Vinitaly 2024: ITALY Verona wine fair

– Vinitaly 2024 (Verona) –

From 14th to 17th April 2024, our Italian winery Fattoria Montecchio will exhibit in Verona (Veronafiere),  for the most important wine event in Italy since 1967.

You are welcome to visit our booth at Pavilion 9 (Tuscany), stand C13 to taste our new vintages of Chianti Classico and even more!

We are looking forward to see you soon!
11-April-2024 by Vino Conte

Chianti Classico Collection 2019 AWARD (Riserva & Gran Selezione)

– Chianti Classico Collection 2019 –

Vino Conte is happy to share with you our great news:
On 2019-Feb-11 & 12, in Stazione Leopolda exhibition center Florence,
there were a 2 days wine tasting event specially for Chianti Classico Collection:
Anteprima del Chianti Classico to taste the Gran Selezione (Grand Selection) and Riserva.

In the event, there were 472 wines to be taste and be judge.
Finally, our winery Fattoria Montecchio,
gains 2 biggest tittles and honors of our Chianti Classico wine:

Chianti Classico Gran Selezione Pasquino 2015
(Only 18 wines gain this) 

Chianti Classico Riserva 2015
(Only 30 wines gain this) 

Source: LINK HERE by Vinodabere Italy.


VINITALY 2015 – Italian Wine Fiar

– Italian Wine Fiar VINITALY 2015 –

Italy is one of the biggest wine producer in the world.
In order to let local wineries to present their wines, wine exhibition is a good channel.
The biggest one in Italy, should be VINITALY.

Vinitaly is an international wine fair.
It attracted more than 1.5 million wine lovers to visit last year.
The fair contains more than 3000 types of Italian wines and various wine tasting competitions.

Vinitaly 2015 will be open from 22-25/March,
which located in VERONA FIERE, the so-called “Romantic City” as usual.

Our winery Fattoria di Montecchio will have a booth there:
Stand C 4 – Pavillon 9 (Tuscany),
Please come and visit, and for sure don’t forget to taste our Chianti Classico and Super Tuscan wines!!


4-Mar-2015 by Vino Conte

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